基本信息 >>>
 金颖 组织胚胎学与遗传发育学系 电话:021-54923342 邮箱:yjin@sibs.ac.cn |
多年来集中研究多能干细胞,尤其是人胚胎干细胞,在体外增殖和分化的调控机制,致力于揭示维持胚胎干细胞无限自我更新的信号通路、转录因子和表观遗传调控因子等,旨在优化人胚胎干细胞的体外培养体系。同时,还关注人胚胎干细胞如何定向分化为神经细胞,尤其是如何形成神经系统不同区域的神经祖细胞,为获得临床疾病治疗需要的功能细胞奠定基础。 |
个人简历 >>>
金颖,研究员,博士生导师。中国医学科学院/北京协和医科大学基础医学研究所病理生理学/药理学博士,美国北德克萨斯州大学健康科学中心Research Associate (1988-1994),美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心Research Fellow (1994-1998)。欧洲杯竞猜平台特聘教授,欧洲杯竞猜平台基础欧洲杯竞猜平台特聘教授,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所课题组长。上海曙光学者、中国科学院“百人计划”、第二届百名华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖、上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市“三八”红旗手、上海市领军人才、欧洲杯竞猜平台优秀共产党员、中国科学院 “朱李月华优秀教师”和杰出研究员等荣誉获得者。主要研究方向为多能干细胞命运决定的分子调控。先后任J Biol Chem杂志编委,Stem Cell Research and Therapy杂志编委,《欧洲杯竞猜平台学报(医学版)》编委,《中华细胞与干细胞杂志》副主编,国际干细胞研究学会(ISSCR)会员、干细胞研究和临床转化指南更新任务组成员(2014年-2016年),上海市细胞生物学学会理事,中国细胞生物学学会细胞信号转导分会委员,中国细胞生物学学会干细胞生物学分会副会长等。在Cell Stem Cell、 Cell Res、Dev Cell、J Clin Invest和PNAS等学术期刊上发表通讯作者论文70余篇,先后获得教育部自然科学奖二等奖、上海市科学技术奖二等奖和三等奖,以及中国干细胞研究创新奖。 |
科研项目 >>>
1. 31730055转录后选择性剪接相关基因C20ORF14在人胚胎干细胞自我更新维持中的功能和机制研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2018.01-2022.12,342.4万元,在研,项目负责人金颖; 2. WF410170022欧洲杯竞猜平台“双一流”建设配套项目,2018.07-2021.06,280万元,在研,项目负责人金颖; 3. 2016YFA0100100多能干细胞自我更新与维持的调控机制研究,科技部国家重点研发计划“干细胞及转化研究”重点专项,2016.07-2021.06,2789万元,在研,项目负责人金颖; 4. 19ZR1428300VEGF信号通路在维持人胚胎干细胞自我更新和全能性中的功能和分子机制,上海市科委自然科学基金,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,在研,项目负责人李慧; 5. 16PJD031Oct4泛素连接酶在早期胚胎发育过程的功能与机制研究,上海市浦江人才计划,2016.9-2018.8,20万元,已结题,项目负责人廖兵; 6. 31471393转录因子SOX2在人胚胎干细胞和神经祖细胞中的重要作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014.01-2018.12,90万元,已结题,项目负责人金颖; 7. 31471231Oct4泛素连接酶在发育多能性的建立和维持中的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014.01-2018.12,80万元,已结题,项目负责人廖兵; 8. 31271456转录共激活因子Citedl促进胚胎干细胞向滋养层分化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012.01-2016.12,80万元,已结题,项目负责人李慧。
论文与专著 >>>
Fang Z, Liu X, Wen J, Tang F, Zhou Y, Jing N, Jin Y* |
SOX21 ensures rostral forebrain identity by suppression of WNT8B during neural regionalization of human embryonic stem cells. |
Stem Cell Reports. |
2019 |
13: 1038-1052. |
He K, Hu J. Yu H, Wang L, Tang F, Gu J, Ge L, Wang H, Li S, Hu P and Jin Ying* |
Serine/threonin kinase 40 (Stk40) functions as a novel regulator of skeletal muscle differentiation. |
J Biol Chem |
2017 |
292(1):351-360 |
Yang J, Zhao H, Ma Y, Shi G, Song J, Tang U, Li S, Li T, Liu N, Tang F, Gu J, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Zhang X, |
Early pathogenic event of Alzheimer’s disease documented in iPSCs from patients with PSEN1 mutations. |
Oncotarget |
2017 |
8(5):7900-7913. |
Zhu Z, Li C, Zeng Y, Ding J, Qu Z, Gu J, Ge L, Tang F, Huang X, Zhou C, Wang P, Zheng D and Jin Y* |
PHB associates with the HIRA complex to control an epigenetic-metabolic circuit in human ESCs. |
Cell Stem Cell |
2017 |
20(2): 274-289 |
Zhou C, Yang X, Sun Y, Yu H, Zhang Y* and Jin Y* |
Comprehensive profiling reveals mechanisms of SOX2-mediated cell fate specification in human ESCs and NPCs. |
Cell Res. |
2016 |
26:171-189 |
Li C, Ma Y, Zhang K, Gu J, Tang F, Chen S, Cao L*, Li S* and Jin Y*. |
Aberrant tranional networks in step-wise neurogenesis of paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia-induced pluripotent stem cells. |
Oncotarget |
2016 |
7(33):53611-53627. |
Fang L, Zhang J, Zhang H, Yang X, Jin X, Zhang L, Skalnik D,, Zhang Y, Huang X, Li J, Wong J*. |
H3K4 methyltransferase Set1a is a key Oct4 coactivator essential for generation of Oct4 positive inner cell mass. |
Stem Cells |
2016 |
34(3):565-580. |
Zheng S, Sun M, Zhang K*, Gu J, Guo Z, Tian S, Zhai G, He X,, Zhang Y*. |
Profiling post-translational modifications of histones in neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. |
J Chromatogr B |
2016 |
1017-1018 :36-44. |
Ju X, Hou Q, Sheng A, Wu K, Zhou Y,, Wen T, Yang Z, Wang X, Luo Z*. |
The hominoid-specific gene TBC1D3 promotes generation of basal neural progenitors and induces cortical folding in mice. |
Elife |
2016 |
5: e18197-18222. |
Liu J, Luo X, Xu Y, Gu J, Tang F, |
Single-stranded DNA binding protein Ssbp3 induces differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into trophoblast-like cells. |
Stem Cell Res Ther |
2016 |
7(1): 79-93. |
Qu Z,GuanY,Cui L, Song J, Gu J, Zhao H, Xu L, Lu L, |
Transplantation of rat embryonic stem cell-derived retinal progenitor cells preserves the retinal structure and function in rat retinal degeneration. |
Stem Cell Research & Therapy |
2015 |
2015 6:219 |
Sun M, Liao B, Tao Y, Chen H, Xiao F, Gu JJ, Gao SR and Jin Y* |
Calcineurin-NFAT Signaling Controls Somatic Cell Reprogramming in a Stage-Dependent Manner. |
Journal of Cellular Physiology |
2015 |
9999: 1–12 |
Yu H, He K, Wang L, Hu J, Gu J, Zhou C, Lu R, |
Stk40 represses adipogenesis through translational control of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins. |
J Cell Sci. |
2015 |
128(15):2881-90. |
Wei Z, Sun M, Liu X, Zhang J, |
Rufy3, a protein specifically expressed in neurons, interacts with actin-bundling protein Fascin to control the growth of axons. |
J Neurosci Res |
2014 |
92(5):607-18 |
Zhu L, Zhang S, |
Foxd3 suppresses NFAT-mediated differentiation to maintain self-renewal of embryonic stem cells. |
EMBO Rep. |
2014 |
15(12):1286-96 |
Luo X, Wang B, Tang F, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Li H, |
Wwp2 targets SRG3, a scaffold protein of the SWI/SNF-like BAF complex, for ubiquitination and degradation. |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. |
2014 |
17;443(3):1048-53 |
Liao B, Zhong X, Xu H, Xiao F, Fang Z, Gu J, Chen Y, Zhao Y, |
Itch, an E3 ligase of Oct4, is required for embryonic stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency induction. |
J Cell Physiol |
2013 |
228(7):1443-51 |
Zhou Y, Jiang H, Gu J,Tang Y, Shen N and Jin Y*. |
MicroRNA-195 targets ADP-ribosylation factor like protein 2 inducing apoptosis in human embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells. |
Cell Death & Disease |
2013 |
4:e695 |
Cui L, Guan Y, Qu Z, Zhang J, Liao B, Ma B, Qian J, Li D, Li W, Xu GT, |
WNT signaling determines tumorigenicity and function of ESC-derived retinal progenitors. |
J Clin Invest. |
2013 |
123(4):1647-61 |
Yu H, He K, Li L, Sun L, Tang F, Li R, Ning W, |
Deletion of STK40 protein in mice causes respiratory failure and death at birth. |
J Biol Chem |
2013 |
288(8):5342-52 |
Yang H, Liu Z, Ma Y, Zhong C, Yin Q, Zhou C, Shi D, Cai Y, Zhao H, Wang H, Tang F, Wang Y, Zhang C, Lai D,, Sun Q*, Li J* |
Generation of haploid embryonic stem cells from Macaca fascicularis monkey parthenotes |
Cell Res |
2013 |
23:1187-1200 |
Guan Y, Cui L, Qu Z, Lu L, Wang F, Wu Y, Zhang J, Gao F, Tian H, Xu L, Xu G, Li W*, |
Subretinal transplantation of rat MSCs and erythropoietin gene modified rat MSCs for protecting and rescuing degenerative retina in rats |
Cur Mol Med |
2013 |
13:1419-1431 |
Ma Y, Gu J, Li C, Wei X, Tang F, Shi G, Jiang J, Kuang J, Li J, Wang Z, Xie X , |
Human foreskin fibroblast produces interleukin-6 to support derivation and self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells |
Stem Cell Research & Therapy |
2012 |
3(4):29 |
Ma Y, Li C, Gu J, Tang F, Li C, Li P, Ping P, Yang S, Li Z, |
Aberrant gene expression profilesin pluripotent stem cells induced from fibroblasts of a klinefelter syndrome patient |
J Biol Chem. |
2012 |
287(46): 38970–38979 |
Zhang H, Ma Y, Gu J, Liao B, Li J, Wong J, |
Reprogramming of somatic cells via TAT-mediated protein transduction of recombinant factors |
Biomaterials |
2012 |
33(20): 5047- 5055 |
Zhou Y, |
Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Neural Lineage Cells. In M.A. Hayat (ed.) |
Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells. |
2012 |
7:229-239 |
Shi G,Gao F, |
The regulatory role of histone deacetylase inhibitors in Fgf4 expression is dependent on the differentiation state of pluripotent stem cells |
J Cell Physiol. |
2011 |
226:3190-3196. |
Lu R, Yang A, |
Dual functions of T-box3 in the control of self-renewal and extraembryonic endoderm differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells. |
J Biol Chem. |
2011 |
286 (10):8425-8436. |
Yang A, Shi G, Zhou C, Lu R, Li H ,Sun L, |
Nucleolin Maintains Embryonic Stem Cell Self-renewal by Suppression of p53 Protein-dependent Pathway |
J Biol Chem. |
2011 |
286(50):43370-43382 |
Li X, Zhu L, Yang A, Lin J, Tang F, Jin S, Wei Z, Li J, |
Calcineurin-NFAT signaling critical regulates early lineage specification in mouse embryonic stem cells and embryos |
Cell Stem Cell. |
2011 |
8:46-58. |
Fang H, Yang Y, Li C, Fu S, Yang Z, Jin G, Wang K, Zhang J, |
Tranome analysis of early organogenesis in human embryos. |
Developmental Cell |
2010 |
19:174-184. |
Li L, Sun L, Gao F, Jiang J, Yang Y, Li C, Gu J, Wei Z, Yang A, Lu R, Ma Y, Tang F, Kwon S, Zhao Y, Li S, |
Stk40 links the pluripotency factor Oct4 to the Erk/MAPK pathway and controls extraembryonic endoderm differentiation. |
2010 |
107 (4):1402-1407 |
Shi G, |
Role of Oct4 in maintaining and regaining stem cell pluripotency. |
Stem Cell Research & Therapy |
2010 |
1(5): 39 |
Li C, Yang Y, Lu X, Sun Y, Gu J, Feng Y, |
Efficient derivation of Chinese human embryonic stem cell lines from frozen embryos. |
In vitro Cell & Dev. Biol. –Animal |
2010 |
46:186-191. |
Liao B, |
Wwp2 mediates Oct4 ubiquitination and its auto-ubiquitination in a dosage-dependent manner. |
Cell Res. |
2010 |
20(3):332-344. |
Li C, Yang Y, Gu J, Ma Y, |
Derivation and tranional profiling analysis of pluripotent stem cell lines from rat blastocysts |
Cell Res |
2009 |
19:173-186 |
Li C, Yu H, Ma Y, Shi G, Jiang J, Gu J, Yang Y, Jin S, Wei Z, Jiang H, Li J, |
Germline-competent mouse-induced pluripotent stem cell lines generated on human fibroblasts without exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor. |
PLoS One |
2009 |
4:e6724 |
Chunliang Li ,, |
Pluripotency can be repidly and efficiently induced in human amniotic fluid-dsrived cells |
Human Molecular Genetics |
2009 |
15(22): 4340-9 |
Li H, Wang B, Yang A, Lu R, Wang W, |
LYAR is an important nucleolar protein for control of self-renewal and differentiation in embryonic stem cells |
Stem Cells |
2009 |
5;27(6):1244-1254 |
Xu H, Wang W, Li C, Yu H, Yang A, Wang B, |
WWP2 promotes degradation of tranion factor OCT4 in human embryonic stem cells |
Cell Res |
2009 |
19:561-573 |
Zhong X, |
Critical roles of coactivator p300 in mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation and Nanog expression. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
2009 |
284 (14 ) :9186-9175 |
Lingjie Li,Lei Sun, |
Stk40 links the pluripotency factor Oct4 to the Erk/MAPK Pathway and controls extraembryonic endoderm differentiation |
2009 |
107 (4):1402-1407 |
Furong Gao, |
PARP1poly(ADP-ribosyl)ates Sox2 to control Sox2 protein levels and FGF4 expression during embryonic stem cell differentiation |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
2009 |
14;284(33): 22263-73. |
专利与技术许可 >>>
1. Oct4泛素化修饰突变体在提高诱导体细胞重编程效率中的应用,申请号201810783982.4,金颖,廖兵,李爽,肖峰; 2. 一种PRRT2蛋白相关的抗原表位肽及其应用,申请号2014103873851,金颖、李春; 3. 一种调控诱导产生的视网膜前体细胞的方法,ZL 2012 1 0279963.0,金颖、徐国彤、崔璐、管圆; 4. 抗小鼠Stk40多克隆抗体及其制备,ZL 2011 1 0214235.7,金颖、杨阿聪; 5. 调控胚胎干细胞及早期胚胎的胚层分化的方法和试剂,ZL 2010 1 0268307.1,金颖、李翔、朱莉莉。 |
荣誉与奖励 >>>
1. 2001年上海曙光学者; 2. 2004年度获得中国科学院“百人计划”支持; 3. 2006年当选为上海市优秀学科带头人; 4. 2009年度第二届百名华侨华人专业人士-杰出创业奖; 5. 2009-2010年度获上海市“三八”红旗手称号; 6. 2010年度中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖; 7. 2013年度、2016年度中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/欧洲杯竞猜平台健康科学研究所“杰出研究员”奖; 8. 2011年度、2012年度、2017年度中国科学院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖; 9. 2011年度、2016年度中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/欧洲杯竞猜平台健康科学研究所优秀共产党员; 10. “胚胎干细胞及早期胚胎发育的分子调控机制研究”获得2012年教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人); 11. “胚胎干细胞中Oct4转录因子的分子调控机制研究”获得2013年获得上海市科学技术奖三等奖(第一完成人); 12. “以多能干细胞为模型对细胞命运决定分子机制的研究”获得2014年上海市自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人); 13. 2017年、2018年实验室获得中国细胞生物学学会全国联动实验室开放日科普活动优秀奖; 14. 2017年中国细胞生物学学会干细胞生物学分会干细胞研究创新奖; 15. 2018年度欧洲杯竞猜平台基础欧洲杯竞猜平台优秀员工奖。 |