2024-07-17 浏览() 来源:

王璁 副研究员,硕导





2016.04-2020.05         澳大利亚昆士兰大学      神经科学                   博士

2012.09-2015.07         复旦大学                    生物医学工程               硕士

2008.09-2012.06         复旦大学                       电子工程                   学士


2024.05- 至今             欧洲杯竞猜平台-百度百科康复研究院                 副研究员

2021.12-2024.04        上海中医药大学康复欧洲杯竞猜平台                        副研究员

2020.01-2021.12        澳大利亚昆士兰大学脑科学研究院              博士后


  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于光遗传技术诱导的伽马神经振荡增强神经可塑性促进脑卒中后运动功能康复的机制研究,项目编号82202787(主 持,30万元,2023.01-2025.12,在研)。

  • 上海中医药大学“中医药前沿创新型人才”项目,芩珠凉血方止痒作用的神经细胞、分子及基因机制研究(主持,5万元,2022.09-2023.08,已结题)。

  • Nanostring公司青年科学家科研启动奖(Nanostring young investigator brain tank grant winner, 全球140名申请者入选3人,2021.11-2022.10,已结题)。

  • U21健康科学组青年科学家基金(U21 Health Sciences Group Early Career Researcher Fund, 5000英镑,约5万人民币,2021.11-2022.10,已结题)。

  • 澳大利亚昆士兰大学科研激励基金(2021 UQ Research Stimulus Fellowship, 44000澳元,约22万人民币,2021.03-2021.09,已结题)。

  • 澳大利亚科研理事会综合脑功能卓越中心青年学者科学研究种子资金 (2020 ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function ECR Seed Funding,7500澳元, 约4万人民币,2020.03-2021.02,已结题) 。



  1. Cong Wang, Caixia Lin, Yue Zhao, Montana Samantzis, Petra Sedlak, Pankaj Sah, Matilde Balbi, 40 Hz optogenetic stimulation rescues functional synaptic plasticity after stroke, Cell Reports, 2023, 42 , 113475. (Q1, IF 8.8,独立第一作者) 

  2. Cong Wang, Teri Furlong, Peter Stratton, Conrad Lee, Sam Merlin, Christopher Nolan, Ehsan Arabzadeh, Roger Marek, Pankaj Sah, Hippocampus-Prefrontal Coupling Regulates Recognition Memory for Novelty Discrimination. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 41 (46): 9617-9632. (Q1, IF 6.709,独立第一作者)

  3. Montana Samantzis*, Cong Wang*, Matilde Balbi, Gamma oscillations and their role in orchestrating balance and communication following Stroke, Neural Regeneration Research, 2024,19 (12): 1-2. (Q1, IF 6.145, 共同第一作者)

  4. Cong Wang, Peter Stratton, Pankaj Sah, Roger Marek, Theta coupling within the medial prefrontal cortex regulates fear extinction and renewal, iScience, 2022, 105036. (Q1, IF 6.107,独立第一作者)

  5. Ruiren Wu., Hongli Ma, Jun Hu, Deheng Wang, Feng Wang, Xiaoming Yu, Yuanli Li, Wang Fu, Minghui Lai, Zekai Hu, Wang Feng, Chunlei Shan, Cong Wang, Electroacupuncture stimulation to modulate neural oscillations in promoting neurological rehabilitation. Brain Research, 2024, 148642.

  6. Minghui Lai, Xiaoming Yu, Yan Lu, Honglin Wang, Wang Fu, Huanxia Zhou, Yuanli Li, Jun Hu, Jiayi Xia, Zekai Hu, Chunlei Shan, Feng Wang, Cong Wang, Effectiveness and brain mechanism of multi-target transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on motor learning in stroke patients: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2024, 25(97).

  7. Wang Fu, Xiaoming Yu, Minghui Lai, Yuanli Li, Yingting Yang, Yong Qin, Min Yu, Feng Wang, Cong Wang, Gamma oscillations induced by 40-Hz visual-auditory stimulation for the treatment of acute-phase limb motor rehabilitation after stroke study protocol for a prospective randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2024, 25(284).

  8.  Cong Wang, Montana Samantzis, Matilde Balbi, Protocol for the functional synaptic connection analysis using cell-pair cross-correlogram of spike events, STAR protocols, 2024, 5:103015.

  9.  Cong Wang, Peter Stratton, Pankaj Sah, Roger Marek, A protocol to investigate neural coupling of brain oscillations in rodents using in vivo electrophysiological recordings, STAR protocols, 2023, 4(3):102414.

