金婷婷 助理研究员
2020.10-2023.06 香港中文大学 麻醉与深切治疗学系 博士
2024.09-至今 欧洲杯竞猜平台-百度百科源申康复研究院 助理研究员
2023.09-2024.08 香港中文大学 荣誉博士后
2023.09-2024.08 香港中文大学 博士后
General Research Fund (GRF) 2024/2025, Ref: 14119024, “(2R,6R)-Hydroxynorketamine improves social interaction as a novel perspective for understanding antidepressant-like effects in chronic pain”. 01-Jan-2025 to 31-Dec-2027
General Research Fund (GRF) 2022/23, Ref: 14117122, “Delineating the sensorimotor cortex-spinal cord descending pain pathway and its interaction with gut microbiota”. 01-Jan-2023 to 31-Dec-2025
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), Ref: 09203466, “Bacteroides uniformis as a novel probiotic treatment for attenuating microglia reactivation and pain hypersensitivity in peripheral neuropathy”, 01-Aug-2022 to 30-July-2024
1.Jiang Y, Huang Z, Sun W, Huang J, Xu Y, Liao Y, Jin T, Li Q, Ho IHT, Zou Y, Zhu W, Li Q, Qin F, Zhang X, Shi S, Zhang N, Yang S, Xie W, Wu S, Tan L, Zhang L, Chen H, Gin T, Chan MTV, Wu WKK, Xiao L, Liu X (2024) Roseburia intestinalis-derived butyrate alleviates neuropathic pain. Cell Host Microbe. S1931-3128(24)00444-X. (Q1, IF:21.02)
2.Ho IHT, Zou Y, Luo K, Qin F, Jiang Y, Li Q, Jin T, Zhang X, Chen H, Tan L, Zhang L, Gin T, Wu WKK, Chan MTV, Jiang C, Liu X (2024) Sodium butyrate restored TRESK current controlling neuronal hyperexcitability in a mouse model of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathic pain. Neurotherapeutics 13:e00481. (Q1, IF:7.62)
3.Jin T, Zhang S, Wang L, et al. Electro-acupuncture promotes the differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells via exosomal microRNA 146b after ischemic stroke[J]. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2020, 14: 223 (Q1, IF: 5.505, co-first author)
4.Jin T, Lin H, Chen L, et al. Longitudinal tracing of neurochemical metabolic disorders in working memory neural circuit and optogenetics modulation in rats with vascular cognitive impairment[J]. Brain Research Bulletin, 2021, 170: 174-186. (Q2, IF: 4.077, co-first author)
5.金婷婷; 林华伟; 张嘉泳; 张宇豪; 李乐; 杨敏光; 李建鸿; 李珑; 林冰冰; 柳维林; 陶静; 一种免疫荧光正置显微镜实验用的新型样本遮光罩, ZL201822087372.9 (第一发明人)
6.金婷婷; 李乐; 张嘉泳; 张宇豪; 杨敏光; 李建鸿; 李珑; 林冰冰; 柳维林; 陶静 ; 一种免疫组化实验用的新型洗片盒, ZL 201821816641.4 (第一发明人)