上海市骨科内植物重点实验室是欧洲杯竞猜平台附属第九人民医院骨科的研究基地,是在国内外有较大影响的骨科内植物的研发中心和人才培养基地,也是《医用生物力学》杂志的主编单位和Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 的上海编辑部所在地。实验室最早由戴尅戎院士于1986年7月创办,2008年10月成为上海市重点实验室;2009年成为“国际华人骨研学会骨科转化医学联合研究中心”。经过多年的发展,上海市骨科内植物重点实验室已形成了骨科生物力学、生物材料、干细胞和再生医学、骨软骨退变和骨肿瘤等主要研究方向,组成了由一支由戴尅戎院士、汤亭亭教授和赵杰教授为首的学术团队,包括骨科医生、专职研究人员、工程师和技术员等,形成了医工交叉融合的研究特色。实验室已形成了一体两翼的组织架构:九院浦东科教园区内的实验室为主体,开展面向临床的骨科基础和转化研究;两翼一是教育部数字医学临床转化工程研究中心,开展与内植物相关的数字医学关键问题与核心技术研究,另一翼是欧洲杯竞猜平台医学3D打印创新研究中心,聚焦个性化植入物的3D打印和应用研究。
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Orthopaedic Implants
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Orthopaedic Implants is affiliated to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Founded by Prof. Ke-rong Dai in 1986, the lab was enlisted in Shanghai key laboratory construction plan in 2018, and approved as the Collaborating Orthopedic Translating Research Center with ICMRS (International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society, ICMRS) in 2009. In addition, the lab is responsible for editing Journal of Medical Biomechanics (in Chinese) and Journal of Orthopeadic Translation.
With the rapid development during the past decades, the lab has gradually become an influential orthopedic R&D center. Headed by Academician Ke-rong Dai, Prof. Ting-ting Tang and Prof. Jie Zhao, the lab owns an academic research team comprised of orthopedic surgeons, researchers, engineers and technicians, featuring its cross-disciplinary research in medicine and engineering. At present, the lab has formed the organizational structure of “one body & two wings”. The main “body” of the lab located in Pudong Scientific and Education Park of Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, focuses on biomechanics, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, degenerative disease and bone tumor. One “wing” is the Engineering Research Center of Digital Medicine and Clinical Translation, Ministry of Education, which mainly carries out researches on implant-related key problems, digital medicine and serves as the pre-production and industrial base of orthopedic implants. The other “wing” is the Medical 3D Printing Innovation Research Center, which mainly focuses on personalized 3D printed products and clinical translation.
Laboratory contact: Zhang Shuhong
Email: shuhongzh@aliyun.com