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Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tissue Engineering

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tissue Engineering established in 1997, which is reposes in Shanghai 9th People’s Hospital. The former is major in the basic research such as the establishment and differentiation of the embryo and hol-stem cells, the discussion of the internal environment mechanism of the stem cells, and the study of the affection and the mechanism of biomechanics in tissue formation. The later is dealing with applied research, pre-clinical study, and the elementary clinical trial of tissue-engineered tissue. The study of the centre is involved in the research of the stem cells, the construction of the tissue-engineered bone, cartilage, tendon, skin and blood vessel, the repair of the tissue defects, bioreactor worked in vivo and vitro of the construction of the tissue-engineered tissue, and the research of the degradable materials. Under the leading of Prof. Yilin Cao, our center has made many great progresses. We have constructed tissue engineered bone, cartilage, skin and tendon in vivo of the large mammal, and succeeded in applying correlative tissue to repair the defects. Tissue engineered bone has been applied in clinic and gets the well effects.

Contact: Ying Ying

Contact number: 13817053442

Email: yingleying@qq.com

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