欧洲杯竞猜平台消化疾病研究与临床转化中心成立于2020年9月,2022年4月经上海市科委批准建设上海市消化道微生态及相关重大疾病重点实验室,由孟祥军教授担任中心及重点实验室主任。实验室依托欧洲杯竞猜平台、欧洲杯竞猜平台附属第九人民医院,汇聚了一批消化学科优秀中青年科学家。 近年来承担多项国自然、上海市科委重点项目、上海市浦江人才项目及上海市科创扬帆人才计划等课题,在国际知名杂志JCI, Gastroenterology, Cell Death & Differentiation, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Oncogene, JBC等发表论文多篇。
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Gut Microecology and Associated Diseases
The Digestive Disease Research and Clinical Transformation Center, SJTU
The Digestive Disease Research and Clinical Transformation Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was founded in September 2020. In April 2022, it was approved by Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology to establish Shanghai Key Laboratory of Gut Microecology and Associated Diseases, with Professor Meng Xiangjun as the director. Supported by Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, the laboratory has attracted a number of excellent scientists and young talents in the field of digestion diseases. In recent years, we have successfully applied multiple grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Major Program of Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology including Shanghai Pujiang Talent Project, Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Talents Program, et, al., and published high quality articles in international academic journals, such as JCI, Gastroenterology, Cell Death & Differentiation, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Oncogene, JBC. etc.
The laboratory is dedicated to the study of scientific questions from clinical therapeutic practice, put equal emphasis on mechanism research and clinical transformation through in-depth and systematic basic scientific research work, promoting the researches of gastrointestinal microecology and associated major diseases. The laboratory focuses on exploring molecular mechanism of how gut microorganisms affect the occurrence, development, diagnosis and treatment of associated major diseases, including endocrine metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, nervous system related diseases, etc., revealing regulation network and mutual relationship of “gut microorganism-metabolism-endocrine-immune”. We strive to elucidate the driving effect of digestive tract microecology on associated diseases and their microenvironment remodeling, and promote the transformation of basic research on digestive tract microecology and associated diseases to clinical diagnosis and treatment, ultimately achieving the goal of benefiting patients.
Dr. Han Yao
Phone number:18116207970