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泌尿外科临床医学中心与美国、法国、瑞士的知名大学学科建立了良好交流关系。在青岛大学附属临沂市人民医院、贵州省人民医院等单位建立了联合培养博士后的协作关系。近5年来, 先后获得欧洲杯竞猜平台优秀教师(夏术阶)、优秀青年教师(孙晓文)、欧洲杯竞猜平台精品课程等荣誉。科室每周例行举行研究生读书报告会和临床学术报告会,在很大程度上促进和提高了研究生的临床及科研工作水平。

泌尿外科临床医学中心负责人包括:中心学科带头人、 中心主任(兼)夏术阶, 中心副主任(兼)、 前列腺尿控科主任(北部)韩邦旻,中心副主任(兼)、 泌尿系肿瘤科主任 (北部)王翔,中心副主任(兼)、男科主任(北部)、辅助生殖医学科副主任(兼)李铮,肾移植科主任(北部)邱建新,泌尿系结石科主任(北部)鲁军,泌尿系结石科副主任(北部)邵怡,前列腺尿控科副主任(北部)荆翌峰,泌尿外科主任(南部)孙晓文。







     致力于泌尿生殖系统肿瘤的腔镜微创手术和综合治疗,病种主要包括肾癌、 膀胱癌、肾盂癌、 输尿管癌、肾上腺肿瘤、睾丸癌、阴茎癌等。科室坚持一切以病人为中心,医德与医术并重、临床与科研并举。每年开展微创手术治疗各种复杂泌尿系肿瘤一千多例,其中腹腔镜膀胱癌根治+原位新膀胱手术、腹腔镜下肾动脉超选阻断肾部分切除术、经尿道膀胱肿瘤铥激光整块切除术和后腹腔镜下腹膜后淋巴结清扫术等微创手术达到国内领先和国际先进水平,肿瘤治愈率和患者满意度均位居国内前列。泌尿肿瘤外科始终坚持立足国内,带着国际化视野审视学科发展,积极引进国外先进技术,每周三上午常规开展泌尿肿瘤疑难病例的多学科专家联合讨论 (MDT)模式。科室多数医生曾在欧美著名大学和医院进修学习,并在临床和基础研究方面取得丰硕成果,国内外发表多篇论文,包括NatureCancer ScienceJournal Urology, Urology等国际权威杂志。



     华东地区及上海市最早开展泌尿系结石微创外科手术、特别是微创经皮肾镜超声、钬激光碎石取石术(PCNL)、输尿管镜钬激光碎石术及肾脏/输尿管软镜钬激光碎石术,治疗各类常规及复杂性上尿路结石的学科之一,是国内最早成立的泌尿结石诊疗中心。目前为欧洲杯竞猜平台泌尿外科研究所结石微创培训中心,长三角泌尿外科联盟结石微创诊疗培训中心,OLYMPUS泌尿系电子软镜中国地区临床培训中心。结石清除率和手术安全居国内领先水平。自2013年起连续5年入选中国名医百强榜—泌尿结石TOP10。拥有目前世界上最先进的结石诊断及治疗设备:西门子彩色B超、 CX光机、红外晶体衍射结石成分分析仪、德国钬激光、瑞士产国际最新型超声气压弹道自动负压碎石取石机EM5、美国Medsonic生产的最新型单探针碎石清石系统、德国WOLF输尿管镜、OLYMPUS肾脏软镜以及全进口影像及监视系统等,全力为患者的健康保驾护航!



     由我国著名的泌尿外科专家谢桐教授亲手创立,1976年进行首例尸体肾移植获得成功,是国内最早开展肾移植的单位之一。目前开展的器官移植包括尸体肾移植、自体肾移植、亲属活体肾移植、肝-肾联合移植、胰-肾联合移植、肾-成人胰岛细胞联合移植等,至今累记肾脏移植总数2600余例、年移植量50-100例,最小移植受者11岁、最大移植受者72岁。1年人/肾存活率97.4%/93.2% 5年人/肾存活率86.6%/72.2% 10年人/肾存活率65.7%/55.1%。最长移植肾存活时间已超过30年。同时在肾移植基础和临床研究方面也取得了杰出的成绩,在国际移植界知名的TransplantationAmerican Journal of Transplantation等杂志发表论文58篇,研究成果还荣获了国家科技进步二等奖、上海市临床医学科技奖等殊荣。



成立于201536日, 是上海三甲医院唯一独立设置的男性健康专科,附设欧洲杯竞猜平台泌尿外科研究所男性健康评估中心、显微男科技术培训-研究中心、中国商环包皮外科培训学院、“Asian Journal of Andrology”编辑部。根据学科发展的战略决策,泌尿男科旨在发展为医疗、科研、教学、培训、经济效益领域国内领先,具有国际重要影响力的男科学平台,成为百姓首选、提供优质服务的中国男性健康领域的医学中心。遵循精益求精的理念,以“愿天下男士俱欢颜”为己任,以促进与关注男性一生的健康为目标,形成了显微男科、微创男科、整形男科、康复男科的四大特色。




   The Urology Center of Shanghai General Hospital was founded in early 1940s. Under the lead of such well-known professors as Huang Zheng, Xie Tong, Xu Qinjun, Tang Xiaoda, Zhang Xianyou, Tan Jianming, and Xia Shujie, and after many years of practical effort, our center has now become one of the prestigious subject in the nationwide.


   There are a total of 5 wards and 200 beds in our center in the north and south hospital district. In the past 3 years, the number of outpatients and emergency patients is about 120 thousand, and the number of inpatients is about 4923.


   As a wide range of scientific research work which includes prostate disease, urinary tumor, minimally invasive endoscopic surgery, stress urinary incontinence, children with hypospadias formation, tissue engineering, and androgen receptor subtype of prostate disease, end-stage renal disease on dialysis, kidney transplantation immunity and gene type matching has been carried out, our center has formed the leading research directions that are represented by transplantation immunology, gene matching, and androgen receptor related studies. Our center has access to one “8th Five-Year” and “9th Five-Year” national key project, one "12th Five-Year" science and technology support project, 31 National Natural Science Foundation of China, more than 100 scientific research projects from Ministry of health, Ministry of science and technology, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and Health Bureau. Besides, a total of more than 70 million yuan research fund has been applied for, and more than 350 academic papers have been published in academic journals at home and abroad, more than 70 of which have been included in SCI journals; We are the chief editors of 9 monographs as well as editors of 21 monographs, and we are the owners of 12 patents for invention or utility model. Furthermore, we have won the second prize of national scientific and technological progress (The study and clinical application of organ transplantation in Chinese Han population, 2001). In recent years, we attach great significance to the minimally invasive urology as well as development of new technology application and complication prevention. As a result, we have made the relevant achievements as the first prize of Shanghai science and technology progress (Development and application of laser technology in minimally invasive urology, 2010), the first prize of Chinese medical science and technology progress (2013), the first prize of International Endoscopics Award2009, the second prize of science and technology progress award of National Academy of Sciences, the second prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Progress Award, and more than 20 other achievements of Shanghai municipal or provincial awards which are above the third prize.

The Urology Center consists of Department of Prostate/ pelvic and urinary incontinence surgeryDepartment of Urologic Oncology, Department of Urolithiasis, Department of Kidney Transplantation and Department of Andrology .

Department of Prostate / pelvic and urinary incontinence surgery

Department of Prostate specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of prostatic disease. Transurethral thulium laser resection of prostate-technique and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy are the specialties and characteristics of our department.

The transurethral thulium laser resection of prostate-tangerine technique was invented by Professor Xia Shujie, the director of our center, and it was first performed in our department for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in the world in 2004. And this operation has greatly improved the safety and efficiency of the operations of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Our department has made academic reports and demonstrations on the international academic conferences for many times, and has been highly praised by the international academic circles. This surgery-related papers have been published in European Urology, the most authoritative international journal of urology, and have been cited by guidelines of EAU and CUA. And we have received invitations from Germany, France, Switzerland, Singapore and other countries to conduct academic exchanges and presentations. This operation is characterized by high efficiency, safety and evident therapeutic effect. High efficiency means that the removal rate is faster and the duration of operation is greatly shortened. Safety means almost no bleeding during surgery. The operation makes many high-risk patients who can not accept surgeries also get the opportunity of surgical treatment. After nearly 10 years of follow-up, it confirmed that the effect of the surgery is excellent, and the surgery has no impact on function.

In 2002, our department performed the first laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer in East China, and up to now, the patient is still in good health. We are the first department of Shanghai to introduce 3D laparoscopic technology. 3D laparoscopic radical prostatectomy has become a characteristic of our department. For the early stage of prostate cancer, intrafascial laparoscopic radical prostatectomy may be better performed to retain the sexual function and urinary continence.

The department carries out pelvic and urinary control neurological and urodynamic examination, and focuses on urinary and sexual function combined recovery of pelvic diseases. The department owns unique and simplified surgical treatment for urinary incontinence. On this basis of establishment of urinary incontinence patients’ sample library, we carries out the translational medical research for in-depth study on mechanisms of interplay between estrogen reduction and urinary function, and on stem cell therapy for urinary incontinence.

Department of Urologic Oncology

The main characteristic of Department of Urologic Oncology are minimally invasive surgery and comprehensive treatment of urinary tumors.

The main minimally invasive surgery techniques include laparoscopic and retroperitoneal laparoscopic techniques, thulium laser and holmium laser techniques, 3D laparoscopy techniques, laparoscopic ultrasonography and 3D imaging system. These techniques can cure over 90 percent of the genitourinary cancers, including adrenal tumorsrenal neoplasmrenal pelvis carcinoma, ureteral tumorsbladder tumorurogenital cancers(testicular tumorspenile cancer and tumors of scrotumet al. Our department is able to conduct more than 30 regular minimally invasive surgeries, including retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomyradical nephrectomyradical nephroureterectomy of renal pelvis and ureteral carcinomaligation of renal lymphatic vesselsretroperitoneal lymphadenectomyretroperitoneoscopic ureteral reimplautationureterovesical reimplantation, laparoscopic enucleation for huge adrenal tumors, radical cystectomy and construction of orthotopic neobladdertransurethral resection of bladder tumor, nephrectomypyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction et al.

Our department take the lead in developing and reporting the cases of thulium laser en-bloc bladder cancer resection for treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. This technique have been proved to be effective. The department carried out clinical research of preoperative pirarubicin intravesical instillation for the diagnosis and treatment of carcinoma in situ of bladder cancer and that for the influence of cancer progression/recurrence postoperatively. We also performed superselective clamping of renal artery in retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, especially the most recent case that superselective clamping of renal artery in retroperitoneal laparoscopic sequential partial nephrectomy for treatment of multiple tumors on solitary kidneys is admired by many peers. The other new minimally invasive surgerytechniques developed recent including three-port laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy through abdominal wall for penile carcinoma, the refined retroperitoneal laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular cancer and laparoscopic nephrectomy combined with inferior vena cava tumor thrombectomy.

Department of Urolithiasis

Our department is one of the first subjects in east China and shanghai to carry out minimally invasive surgical treatment for urinary calculi, especially minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy with holmium laser lithotripsy, ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy with flexible ureteroscope for complicated upper urinary tract calculi. Our minimally invasive surgical techniques are in a leading position in ChinaWe have unique advantages in minimally invasive treatment of upper urinary tract calculi, and we have got the great clinical curative effect to cure varieties of complex cases, such as staghorn calculi, solitary kidney calculi, horseshoe kidney calculi, transplanted kidney calculi and some residual calculi, recurrent calculi and multiple renal calculi after open surgeries.

Our department carried out the first case of minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy in Shanghai in 2002and now has successfully completed thousands of surgeries for urinary calculiIn recent years, following the completion of the first case of laser lithotripsy with flexible ureteroscope in Shanghai, we aimed at a more minimally invasive, non-invasive target and actively carried out laser lithotripsy with flexible ureteroscope for complicated upper urinary tract calculi.

Department of Kidney Transplantation

Renal Transplantation Department, the advanced department of our hospital, was founded by Professor Xie Tong, the extraordinary urology expert of our nation. The department performed the first renal transplantation from deceased donor in 1976, and is one of the first medical centers that carried out renal transplantation in China. Clinical medical center of organ transplantation of Shanghai was founded in August 2001 by the approval of Shanghai Municipal Government. Renal transplantation from deceased donor, autologous renal transplantation, living-donor renal transplantation, combined liver-kidney transplantation, combined pancreas-kidney transplantation, and combined kidney-adult islet cells transplantation etc.. Up to now, there are a total of over 2600 cases of renal transplantation, the number of annual transplantation being 50 ~ 100 cases, and with the youngest  recipient aged 11 years old, and the oldest recipient aged 72 years old. The one-year survival rate for recipient/graft is 97.4% /93.2%, the five-year survival rate for recipient/graft is 86.6%/75.2%, and the ten-year survival rate for recipient/graft is 79.7%/66.1%. The longest survival has been more than 35 years.

Department of Andrology

   Department of Andrology / pelvic and urinary incontinence surgery was founded on March 6, 2015. Our department carries out microsurgical techniques for male infertility: such as microsurgical vasoepididymostomy, microsurgical vasovasostomy, microsurgical varicocelectomy, microsurgical sperm retrieval of azoospermia, testicular sparing microsurgery for testicular tumor, microsurgical removal of testicular foreign body, microsurgical autotransplantation of testical.

   On the basis of microsurgical andrology, the department focuses on developing minimal invasive techniques for laparoscopic testicular exploration of cryptorchidism, nerve-sparing and laparoscopic radical orchiectomy. We also carried out laparoscopy combined with microscopic spermatic duct reconstruction techniques for iatrogenic azoospermia caused by hernia repair or hydrocelectomy, and ejaculatory function sparing techniques for ultrasound-guided transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts.

    Our department also specializes in male fertility evaluationnew technology of sperm cryopreservation, male sexual function evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and recovery, sexual and fertility function protection and recovery of prostatic diseases.




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