School of Public Health
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health is an important part of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. There are 6 departments, including the Department of Food Safety and Toxicology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Environment and Health, Department of Social Medicine and Healthcare Management, Department of Community Health and Behavioral Medicine, and Department of Maternal and Child Health. The School of Public Health also houses the Shanghai Translational Medicine Collaborative Innovation Center -- the Center for Food Safety and Toxicology Evaluation, the Center for Nutrition and Health Promotion, and the Center for Active Health and Evidence-based Decision-making, etc. The School of Public Health has well-equipped laboratories. For example, supported by the School of Medicine, the School of Public Health has built SJTUSM Center for Single-Cell Omics, a world class research engine committed to providing an interdisciplinary comprehensive research platform to support basic, population, clinical and translational research, as well as health policy and health management research. The Center for Single-Cell Omics has attracted a group of internationally known scientists. There are a large number of outstanding talents in the School of Public Health, including recipients of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, the National Science Foundation For Excellent Young Scholars, and the Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Project, among others. The School of Public Health strives to build an important education base for cultivating new generations of public health professionals with global vision and leadership, a top-notch research base for generating high-impact novel scientific discoveries and knowledge, an innovative scientific base for integrating preventive medicine and clinical medicine as well as a public health services base for serving the world.