欧洲杯竞猜平台护理学院成立于1985年,是全国首批护理本科院系之一。2011年成为护理学首批博士学位授权点,2014年成为护理师资博士后站点,2020年成为国家一流本科护理专业建设点。近年获国家临床重点专科、上海高校I 类高原学科、上海应用型本科试点专业、上海市公共卫生应急处置“护理预备队”等专项,建设经费近1.2 亿。现已发展成为师资力量雄厚、人才质量卓越、专业方向明确的国内一流护理院校。
护理学院持续推动立德树人,培养有灵魂的卓越护理创新人才。率先开展混合式教学,建实验教学、虚拟仿真、临床培训等多个国家教学示范中心;获国家级精品课程1 门、教育部高校科技进步一等奖1 项、省部级教学成果奖4项。吸纳全国优质生源,近5年研究生中来自“双一流”建设高校占比80%。通过“学分互认、学制互通”, 44%在校生与美国、澳大利亚、法国和瑞典等10个国家和地区的20所国际知名高校开展1-5个月交流与合作。
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Nursing
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Nursing was founded in 1985, one of the first nursing schools that started undergraduate education. The school started its PhD education in 2011 and has been providing post-doctoral training since 2014. In 2020, the school was selected as a national construction site for First-Class Undergraduate Nursing Education. In recent years, the School of Nursing has received national and municipal support for the development of Key Clinical Nursing Specialties, Shanghai Gaoyuan Discipline-Nursing, Applied Undergraduate Program-Nursing, and Public Health Emergency Response "Nursing Taskforce", with total funding of nearly 120 million. The school has become a nationally renowned nursing school dedicated to excellence in nursing education, research, and clinical practice.
The School of Nursing has extraordinary faculties who are from various backgrounds and with international visions. It has 82 full-time faculties and over 210 clinical staff. Among those faculties, 80% have a doctorate degree and overseas experience, 35 are graduate advisors (including 9 doctoral advisors and 3 post-doctoral mentors), two are awarded the Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Over the past five years, six internationally recognized guest professors have been introduced to the school. The faculties have received numerous honors including the National Outstanding Nurses and Shanghai “March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter (Outstanding Woman). The faculties are also serving on various committees including the Ministry of Education-Nursing Accreditation Committee (Vice Chairman), Ministry of Education-Steering Committee for Higher Nursing Education (Committee Member), and Shanghai Nursing Association (Chairman and Vice Chairman).
The School of Nursing is committed to excellence in nursing education and professional development of the students. It is among the first school to implement mixed teaching and is actively using innovative teaching methods including simulation and virtual reality learning modules. It also has multiple national clinical training and teaching centers. The School of Nursing has received several teaching awards including one “National Excellent Course, one “Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award for Universities” (1st place), and four “Municipal Teaching Achievement Awards”. The school has attracted excellent graduate students from all over the country, with 80% from the “Double First-Class” universities during the past five years. Through "mutual credit recognition", 44% of the students have participated in the international exchange programs for 1-5 months. the programs involve 20 internationally renowned universities in 10 countries including the United States, Australia, France, and Sweden.
Research focuses at the School of Nursing are in line with the national strategic plan and the increasing health need of the wider population. The school has been collaborating with the 13 affiliated hospitals to promote nursing research and care in various areas, including chronic disease management, cancer care, emergency and critical care, mental and psychological care, trauma and orthopedics care, nursing management, and disaster nursing. Researchers at the school are dedicated to conducting cutting-edge, international, and innovative nursing research, through collaboration with other disciplines including Medicine, Management, Psychology, Design, and Artificial Intelligence. This collaboration has produced remarkable scientific achievements. Over the past five years, faculties at the school have obtained over 100 national, municipal, and intramural grants, with total funding of more than 30 million Yuan. The school also received over 40 awards including the "Outstanding Achievement Progress Award in Higher Education Scientific Research" and "Shanghai Nursing Science and Technology Award”.