2022年1-5月,全球健康学院在全健康领域的科研工作不断取得新进展、新突破。上月,由全球健康学院周晓农研究员、郭晓奎教授研究团队领衔撰写的通信文章在国际顶尖学术期刊《自然(Nature)》杂志发表。文章介绍了全球全健康指数(global One Health index, GOHI)的构建过程并高度概括了GOHI的创新价值和应用前景。

同时,研究团队建立GOHI指标体系和数据库,探索出一套对指标数据进行标化、赋分和综合测算的技术路径,开展了对全球146个国家/地区GOHI得分的分析研究。GOHI指标旨在从整体视角构建的全健康评估框架,并以此衡量各个国家/地区全健康最佳实践间的差距,为制定适应特定社会生态环境的全健康战略目标和实施路径提供参考。相关研究成果已经发表在国际高水平学术研究期刊Infectious Diseases of Poverty。
[1] Zhang XX, Liu JS, Han LF, Simm G, Guo XK, Zhou XN*: One Health: new evaluation framework launched. Nature 2022, 604:625.
[2] Zhang XX#, Liu JS#, Han LF, Xia S, Li S-Z, Li OY, Kassegne KK, Li M, Yin K, Hu QQ, Xiu LS, Zhu YY, Huang LY, Wang XC, Zhang Y, Zhao HQ, Yin JX, Jiang TG, Li Q, Fei SW, Gu SY, Chen FM, Zhou N, Cheng ZL, Xie Y, Li HM, Chen J, Guo ZY, Feng JX, Ai L, Xue JB, Ye Q, Grant L, Song JX, Simm G, Utzinger J, Guo XK*, Zhou XN*: Towards a global One Health index: a potential assessment tool for One Health performance. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2022, 11:57.
[3] Fu X, Lyu L, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Guo X, Chen Q, Liu C*: Safety assessment and probiotic characteristics of Enterococcus lactis JDM1. Microb Pathog 2022, 163:105380.
[4] Hong Z, Li L, Zhang L, Wang Q, Xu J, Li S, Zhou XN*: Elimination of Schistosomiasis Japonica in China: From the One Health Perspective. China CDC Wkly 2022, 4:130-4.
[5] Jiang Y, Yuan Z, Liu H, Yin J, Qin Y, Jiang X, Xu J, Cao J, Shen Y*: Intestinal Protozoan Infections in Patients with Diarrhea - Shanghai Municipality, Zhenjiang City, and Danyang City, China, 2011-2015 and 2019-2021. China CDC Wkly 2022, 4:143-7.
[6] Li Y, Zhang L, Xiu L, Wang D, Zeng Y, Wang F, Yin Y, Peng J*: A Multiplex Molecular Assay for Detection of Six penA Codons To Predict Decreased Susceptibility to Cephalosporins in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2022, 66:e0170921.
[7] Liang L, Shen Y, Hu Y, Liu H, Cao J*: cGAS exacerbates Schistosoma japonicum infection in a STING-type I IFN-dependent and independent manner. PLoS Pathog 2022, 18:e1010233.
[8] Lin P, Sun J, Lou X, Li D, Shi Y, Li Z, Ma P, Li P, Chen S, Jin W, Liu S, Chen Q, Gao Q, Zhu L, Xu J, Zhu M, Wang M, Liang K, Zhao L, Xu H, Dong K, Li Q, Cheng X*, Chen J*, Guo X*: Consensus on potential biomarkers developed for use in clinical tests for schizophrenia. Gen Psychiatr 2022, 35:e100685.
[9] Lv C, Deng W, Wang L, Qin Z, Zhou X*, Xu J*: Molecular Techniques as Alternatives of Diagnostic Tools in China as Schistosomiasis Moving towards Elimination. Pathogens 2022, 11.
[10] Qian MB, Utzinger J, Li SZ, Montresor A, Zhou XN*: Towards elimination of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in China. Lancet Reg Health West Pac 2022, 22:100455.
[11] Sun L#, Xiu L#, Zhang C#, Xiao Y, Li Y, Zhang L, Ren L*, Peng J*: Detection and classification of SARS-CoV-2 using high-resolution melting analysis. Microb Biotechnol 2022.
[12] Wang DQ, Liang XH, Lu SN, Ding W, Huang J, Wen X, Lv S, Xiao N, Husain L, Zhou XN*: China's long march to malaria elimination: a case of adaptive management. Malar J 2022, 21:38.
[13] Wang H#, Yan D#, Li Y#, Gong Y#, Mai Y#, Li B, Zhu X, Wan X, Xie L, Jiang H, Zhang M, Sun M*, Yao Y*, Zhu Y*: Clinical and antibody characteristics reveal diverse signatures of severe and non-severe SARS-CoV-2 patients. Infect Dis Poverty 2022, 11:15.
[14] Wang Y#, Gong W#, Zhou H, Hu Y, Wang L, Shen Y, Yu G*, Cao J*: A Novel miRNA From Egg-Derived Exosomes of Schistosoma japonicum Promotes Liver Fibrosis in Murine Schistosomiasis. Front Immunol 2022, 13:860807.
[15] Zhang J#, Qiu J#, Zhou W, Cao J, Hu X, Mi W, Su B, He B*, Qiu J*, Shen L*: Neuropilin-1 mediates lung tissue-specific control of ILC2 function in type 2 immunity. Nat Immunol 2022, 23:237-50.
[16] Zhao S, Wang K, Chong MKC, Musa SS, He M, Han L*, He D*, Wang MH: The non-pharmaceutical interventions may affect the advantage in transmission of mutated variants during epidemics: A conceptual model for COVID-19. J Theor Biol 2022, 542:111105.
[17] Zhou XN*: Infectious Diseases of Poverty: progress achieved during the decade gone and perspectives for the future. Infect Dis Poverty 2022, 11:1.
[18] Cai M, Pu B, Wang Y, Lv L, Jiang C, Fu X, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Dong K, Yang Y, Liu Y, Wei Y, Zhang Z, Li J, Guo X, Liu C*, Qin J*: A Plasmid With Conserved Phage Genes Helps Klebsiella pneumoniae Defend Against the Invasion of Transferable DNA Elements at the Cost of Reduced Virulence. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:827545.
[19] Chang C, Yu X, Guo W, Guo C, Guo X*, Li Q*, Zhu Y*: Bacteriophage-Mediated Control of Biofilm: A Promising New Dawn for the Future. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:825828.
[20] Jin LL, Deng L, Bartlett M, Ren YP, Lu JH, Chen Q, Pan YX, Wang H, Guo XK and Liu C: A Novel Herbal Extract Blend Product Prevents Particulate Matters-Induced Inflammation by Improving Gut Microbiota and Maintaining the Integrity of the Intestinal Barrier. Nutrients, 2022 (Accepted)
[21] 吴哲元,王心怡,郭晓奎,周晓农,夏尚。大数据驱动的全健康决策支持文献研究。中国卫生信息管理杂志,2022,19(2):286-292。
[22] 刘婧姝,张晓溪,郭晓奎。全健康的起源、内涵及展望。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2022,1:1-11。
[23] 费思伟,许靖姗,周晓农。全健康:人兽共患病防控的新思考。中国血吸虫病防治杂志,2022,1:1-6。
[24] 周晓农。以全健康理念推进人兽共患病预防与控制。中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2022,1:12-19。
[25] 王向澄,苗力元。芝加哥健康治理数字化转型研究:以健康云图的发展于应用为例,全球城市研究,2022。(已接收)
[26] 王向澄,苗力元。健康治理数字化转型的发展与应用,全球城市发展报告,2022。(已接收)
[27] 王向澄,张晓旺。医联体协作模式的建立及功能性研究,中国医院,2022。(已接收)
[28] 王向澄。医学社会学视角下的女性主义心理学研究,专著,2022。