After the lab week, we reached the last week of the summer school-the medical statistics. To be honest, it was a challenge for us to learn about R language in English. However, it was a chance to experience the authentic British classes. Students tried their best to understand the lessons. The full schedule made it a more energetic study experience.





周五我们迎来了结业典礼,萨里大学的领导与我们的课程老师悉数到场。副校长Vince Emery教授与健康医学科学院执行院长Helen Griffiths教授在讲话中对此次暑期学校进行总结,并对我们的学习进行了表扬,希望我们在日后的学生中能够取得更大的进步。班长纪彧程代表学生向暑期学校的组织方及老师们表达衷心的感谢。随后,Vince Emery教授与Johnjoe McFadden教授向每位同学颁发了结业证书,最后的大合影也宣告这6周以来的暑期游学圆满结束,整洁精致的礼堂里洋溢着快乐与不舍。
We attended the closing ceremony on Friday. The leadership of the University of Surrey and all the teachers who were in charge of our courses were all present. Professor Vince Emery, Senior Vice-President (Global) and Professor Helen Griffiths, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences delivered speechs, summing up and expressing appreciation to our study, and wished us a bright future. Our class president Yucheng Ji also delivered his speech on behalf of the students about this unforgettable and precious summer course and expressed our greatest gratitude to our hosts in Surrey. Whereafter, Professor Vince Emery and Professor Johnjoe McFadden awarded the certificate to every student. The happy ending of the summer course was the final group photos and the neat and exquisite auditorium had saw our happy time .
The 6-week happy and fulfilling study life not only improved our level and confidence in speaking English, but also broadened our horizons, deepened our understanding of British culture. I believe that this unforgettable British study and tour experience will benefit us in our future studies and careers.