研究所坚持伤科、骨科的一体化发展思路,仅仅围绕骨与关节疾病防治的主题,研究方向包括:(1)骨关节病损发病机理及其防治;(2)骨与关节修复与功能重建;(3)生物医学工程与运动功能康复;(4)魏氏伤科的传承与发展及其中药现代化。近年来,已初步建立“一平台、三中心”的持续发展模式,“一个平台”即实验技术平台,囊括组织形态学、影像学、分子生物学、药筛、生物力学、再生医学等伤科和骨科基础研究所需主要研究设备,累计设备总资产逾3300万元;“三个中心”分别指“骨肌系统生物学研究中心”、“生物医学工程中心”和“数字医学及先进智造中心”。研究所坚持与国内外科研单位保持合作与交流,每年培养博、硕士研究生20余人,接受国内外研究生和相关研究人员进修学习30余人次,承接海内外标本制备和检测3000余件。近3年来,科研人员累计承担中组部、科技部、教育部、国家自然基金、上海市等各类人才和课题40多项,近五年,在Nat Commun, Adv Mater, JBMR, Biomater, Bone等SCI期刊发表论文100篇(IF>10的20多篇),获国家发明专利授权5项。
Shanghai Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics
Shanghai Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics was established in 1958 for pioneering clinical and fundamental research on modern orthopaedics, inheriting the spirit of traditional Chinese Traumatology and integrating traditional Chinese and western medicine. Professors Yanqing Ye, Zhixin Wei, Bangfu Guo, Benfu Chai, Guoheng Li, as the representatives for the prestigious professors of the institute have led the development of traumatology and orthopaedics of China, establishing the front-runner position of our institute in traumatology and orthopaedics in the whole country. The institute was selected as Shanghai Key Laboratory for Prevention and Treatment of Bone and Joint Disease, Key Subject of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Collaboration Center for the Treatment of Bone Fracture with Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Third Grade Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Center for Quality Control of Clinical Orthopaedics of Shanghai, National Key Subject of Project 211 (Orthopaedics), Clinic Trial Base for Orthopaedics and Traumatology of State Food and Administration and Key Subject of Ministry of Education (Orthopaedics).
The institute insists on the development path of integration of traumatology and orthopaedics, focusing on the prevention and treatment of bone and joint disease, main research interests including:
1) Prevention and treatment of morbidity of bone and joint disease;
2) Repairment and functional reconstruction of bone and joint diseases;
3) Biomedical engineering and motor functional rehabilitation;
4) Inheritance, development and modernization of traditional Chinese of Wei’s Traumatology.
In recent years, an innovative development mode, named“one platform, three centers” had been established. “One platform” stands for the experiment and technology platform, possessing predominant facilities for researches in traumatology and orthopaedics worth over ¥33, 000, 000, including histomorphology, imageology, molecular Biology, pharmacy, biomechanics, regenerative medicine, etc. “Three centers” stands for the Musculoskeletal Biology Research Center, Biomedical Engineering Center, and Digital Medicine and Advanced Smart Manufacturing Center in which the topical orthopedic research fields are covered. Furthermore,the institute also holds partnership and line of communication with research institutions both home and abroad. Every year, the institute trains over 20 doctoral and master students and over 30 visiting students/researchers, and Over 3, 000 samples from home and abroad are undertook for preparation and examination. In the recent 3 years, researcher in the institute have taken on over 40 projects from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, National Natural Science Foundation and Shanghai government. In the past five years, over 100 articles have been published in SCI-indexed journals such as NAT COMMUN, Adv Mater, JBMR, Biomater, Bone (Over 20 with IF>10) and 5 national invention patents have been authorized.