所长和科主任为王继光教授,现任中国高血压联盟主席、HOPE Asia副主席、前国际高血压学会执委、亚太高血压学会主席、亚洲动脉学会主席。担任Journal of Clinical Hypertension主编、Hypertension副主编、Hypertension Research 副主编、Pulse共同主编、《中华心血管病杂志》副总编等。王继光教授长期从事高血压诊治与科研工作,在高血压人群研究及临床研究方面取得丰硕成果,获得华夏医学科技二等奖。
Shanghai Institute of Hypertension
The Shanghai Institute of Hypertension was established in the year of 1958 by the municipal government of Shanghai, and is devoted to epidemiological, clinical, pathophysiological, and community studies on hypertension. The Institute is currently composed of Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Centre for Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials, Centre for Vascular Evaluations, Centre for Hypertension Management and Prevention in Community, Clinical Laboratory, and Laboratory of Experimental Animals.
The Institute is a member of the State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics and has the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Hypertension. The institute participates in the construction of the national major scientific infrastructure "National Research Centre for Translational Medicine" and belongs to state key discipline (cardiovascular internal medicine) of the Ministry of Education. The Institute also provides educational opportunities for graduate students of doctors and masters in cardiovascular medicine. The current research in the Institute focuses on human genetics in hypertension, vascular remodeling and vascular stem and progenitor cells, clinical trials and epidemiology, vascular structure and function, screening of secondary hypertension, early detection of target organ damage, and treatment of refractory hypertension.
The Department of Hypertension of Ruijin Hospital is the clinical wing of the Institute, with 35 and 25 beds in the main and north campuses, respectively. In both campuses, there is full-time outpatient clinic service for the treatment of hypertension, particularly acute, critical, severe or complicated hypertension.
Professor Ji-Guang Wang is director of the Shanghai Institute of Hypertension and director of the Department of Hypertension. He is the president of the Chinese Hypertension League, deputy president of the HOPE Asia Network, a former executive council member of the International Society of Hypertension, past president of the Asian-Pacific Society of Hypertension, and past president of the Pulse of Asia Society. He serves on the editorial board of several national and international journals in the field of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, such as the Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Editor-in-Chief), Hypertension (Associate Editor), Hypertension Research (Associate Editor), Pulse (Co-Editor), and Chinese Journal of Cardiology (Associate Editor). Professor Wang has published more than 500 articles in the international literature and lectured extensively in international and national scientific conferences. The research work of his team was awarded a second prize of Huaxia Medical Scientific and Technological Awards in 2015.
The Institute also provides service for several clinical and laboratory measurements in relation to hypertension, such as plasma renin activity, urinary catecholamines, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, echocardiography, carotid ultrasonography, arterial stiffness, endothelial function, autonomous nervous function and baroreflex sensitivity.
The Institute has developed collaborative partnership with scientists and scientific institutions from several countries, such as Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Japan, UK、and the United States of America.