Name: Bing Su
Title: Professor
Email: bingsu@sjtu.edu.cn
Tel: 021-63846590-776564
Research Interests
The research in my laboratory focuses on the role of signal transduction mediated by the intracellular protein kinase network such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in gut immunity and vascular biology which were involved in colitis, colorectal cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Our current study mainly focused on the functions of genes that encode either the serine/threonine kinases or their regulators in the MAPK and mTOR pathways in intestinal mesenchymal stromal cells, macrophages, T cells and innate lymphoid cells. Our studies have revealed the cell type specific regulatory roles of these proteins in gut inflammation, tumor and fibrosis.
Ten Selected Papers
1. Su B, Jacinto, E., Hibi, M., Kallunki, T., Karin, M., and Ben-Neriah, Y. JNK mediates signal integration during costimulation of T lymphocytes. Cell. 1994 Jun 3;77(5):727-36.
2. Yang J, Lin Y, Guo Z, Borem M, Huang H, Liao, Chen Z, Liu ZG and Su B. Essential role of MEKK3 in TNF-induced NF-kB activation. Nat Immunol. 2001 Jul;2(7):620-4.
3. Jacinto E, Facchinetti V, Liu D, Soto N, Wei S, Jung SY, Huang Q, Qin J, Su B. SIN1/MIP1 maintains rictor-mTOR complex integrity and regulates Akt phosphorylation and substrate specificity. Cell. 127(1):125-37. 2006.
4. Lazorchak AS, Liu D, Facchinetti V, Di Lorenzo A, Sessa WC, Schatz DG, Su B. Sin1 suppresses rag1/2 and il7r gene expression through Akt2 in B cells. Molecular Cell. 2010. Aug 13;39(3):433-43.
5. Chang X, Liu F, Wang XF, and Su B. MEKK2 and MEKK3 regulate TGF-b-mediated helper T cell differentiation. Immunity. 2011.34: 201-212.
6. Li M, Lazorchak AS, Ouyang X, Zhang H, Liu H, Arojo OA, Yan L, Jin J, Han Y, Qu G, Fu Y, Xu X, Liu X, Zhang W, Yang Z, Ruan C, Wang Q, Liu D, Huang C, Lu L, Jiang S, Li F, Su B. Sin1/mTORC2 regulates B cell growth and metabolism via mTORC1 and Myc activation. Cell Mol Immunol. 2019 Sep;16(9):757-769.
7. Liu Z, Gu Y, Chakarov S, Bleriot C, Kwok I, Chen X, Shin A, Huang W, Dress RJ, Dutertre CA, Schlitzer A, Chen J, Ng LG, Wang H, Liu Z, Su B, Ginhoux F. Fate mapping via Ms4a3 expression history traces monocyte-derived cells. Cell. 2019 Sep 5;178(6):1509-1525.
8. Yang X*, Li W, Zhang S, Wu D, Jiang X, Tan R, Niu X, Wang Q, Wu X, Liu Z, Chen LF, Qin J, Su B*. PLK4 deubiquitination bySpata2-CYLD suppresses NEK7-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome activation at the centrosome. EMBO J. 2020 Jan 15;39(2):e102201.
9. Wu N, Sun H, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Tan J, Qi Y, Wang Q, Ng M ,Liu Z, He L, Niu X , Chen L, Liu Z, Li HB, Zeng Y, Roulis M, Liu D, Cheng J, Zhou B, Ng L-G , Zou D, Ye Y, Flavell RA, Ginhoux F, Su B.MAP3K2-regulated intestinal stromal cells define a distinct stem cell niche. Nature. 2021 Apr;592(7855):606-610.
10. JingjingQi, AdelineCrinier, Bertrand Escalière, YouqiongYe , ZhengtingWang, TianyuZhang, LucianaBatista, HongzhiLiu, LiwenHong, NingboWu, MingnanZhang, LeiChen, YingbinLiu, LeiShen*, EmilieNarni-Mancinelli*, EricVivier*, BingSu*. Single-cell transcriptomic landscape reveals tumor specific innate lymphoid cells associated with colorectal cancer progression. Cell Report Medicine. 27 July 2021, 100353.