1) 国家自然基金面上项目,素食对代谢相关脂肪性肝病的干预效果及肠道菌群产物吲哚丙酸介导的机制,82173496,2022/01-2024/12,参与
2) 基于长三角同质化小儿消化道畸形防治体系研究,上海市“科技创新行动计划”项目,19495810500,2019-04至2021年,参与
1) Fangfang Song, Jie Chen, Wei Cai*. The prevalence of digestive tract defects in East China: A population-based study, Scientific Journal of Pediatrics and Child Care, 2022, 1(1):1-8.
2) Fangfang Song, MiSook Cho*. Geography of Food Consumption Patterns between South and North China, Foods Journal, 2017, 6(5):34.
3) Fangfang Song, JiEun Oh, KyungWon Lee, Mi Sook Cho*. The effect of coffee consumption on food group intake, nutrition intake, and metabolic syndrome of Korean adults-2010 KNHANES (V-1), NFS Journal, 2016, 4: 9-14.
4) Fangfang Song, Jin A Jang, Yang Suk Kim, Hei Ryeo Yoon, MiSook Cho*; Analysis of White Rice Consumption and Related with Dietary Intake Status and Metabolic Syndrome: Based on Data 1st(1998), 4th(2007-2009), 6th(2013) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), Journal of Korean Society of Food Culture, 2015, 30(5):682-694.
5) Fangfang Song, Mi Jeong Kim*. Acculturation, food intake and dietary behaviors of Chinese college students in Busan by residential period. J East Asian Soc Dietary Life, 2015, 25(4):594-606.