2024年4月,欧洲杯竞猜平台医学技术学院21级医学检验技术班(法语班)本科生夏一晗、20级医学检验技术班本科生马君瑞在《Cancers》杂志在线发表题名“Identifying the Spatial Architecture That Restricts the Proximity of CD8+T Cells to Tumor Cells in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma”——识别限制胰腺导管腺癌中CD8+T细胞靠近肿瘤细胞的空间结构的论文。

DOI: 10.3390/cancers16071434
胰腺导管腺癌(PDAC)中浸润的CD8+T细胞的空间分布影响其抗肿瘤效果,而CD8+T细胞的空间分布受到肿瘤微环境(TME)周围其他细胞调控。相较于无法反映TME内细胞空间分布信息的单细胞测序以及质谱流式等技术,细胞邻域算法结合Co-detection by indexing(CODEX)多重染色提供的细胞表型与定位信息将中心细胞与周围细胞的种类、构成与相对位置关系归纳为邻近细胞分布模式(Cellular neighborhoods, CNs),动态反映周围细胞对中心细胞的总体调控作用,通过CNs解析CD8+T细胞抗肿瘤效果的空间调控机制。
Background:CD8+T cells, crucial contributors to anti-tumor immunity, recognize tumor-associated antigens and mediate cytotoxic tumor killing through direct contact in a proximity dependent manner. Here, by identifying the spatial architectures in the tumor microenvironment (TME), the regulation of TME on CD8+T cells can be characterized, thus contributing to decipher the mechanism how the proximity of CD8+T cells to tumor cells in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) was spatially regulated.
Methods:To characterize the landscape of cell types in the TME of human PDAC, we designed a panel of seven linage markers for Co-detection by index (CODEX) to simultaneously define the phenotypes and spatial localization of cells in the PDAC tumor region. Coupling marker expression and tissue localization, Cellular Neighborhood algorithm was utilized to dissect tissues into multiple types of cellular neighborhoods (CNs) and thus decipher the in situ spatial architectures hat regulated the proximity of CD8+T cells to tumor cells.
Results:A total of six conserved and distinct CNs was defined, among which, one unique spatial architecture consisting of lymphocyte-enriched CNs enriched the majority of CD8+T cells and heralded a poor prognosis of patients. In this type of spatial architecture, the subsequent nearest distance analysis revealed that the CD8+T cells were significantly closer to themselves and the CD4+T cells rather than to the tumor cells, compared with CD8+T cells in other spatial architectures.
Conclusion:In the TME of PDAC, the proximity of CD8+T cells to tumor cells were restrained by a unique spatial architecture, leading to a suppressed anti-tumor immunity and indicating a novel immune evasion mechanism of PDAC.

