Wenjie Zhou, Ph.D., Investigator

Work Phone: 86-21-67722465

E-mail: zhouwj2022@shsmu.edu.cn

Neural circuits of cross-modality modulation



Educational Experience

2012-2019  University of Science and Technology of China (Ph.D. in Neuroscience),

2009-2013  Anhui University (B.S. in Biology)


Professional Experience

2022-12 - present Investigator, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

2022-01 - 2022-11 Associate Research Fellow, University of Science and Technology of China

2019-2021   Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Science and Technology of China


Wenjie Zhou

    The sensory nervous system processes stimuli in different modalities (e.g. visual, olfactory, auditory, and somatosensory) and is the basis of our brain to perceive the external environment. Meanwhile, our brain executes top-down control to regulate physiological functions of our body. However, the cross-modal interactions between distinct sensory processing and their roles in regulating physiological function remain largely unknown. Our laboratory is devoted to exploring neural mechanisms underpinning bi-directional interactions between different sensory perceptions, and immune, endocrine and emotional systems. By combining multiple cutting-edge tools, we aimed to identify novel approaches to treat neurological diseases with striking effect and less side effect.

    1. Neural circuits mediating cross-modal interactions

    The sensory nervous system is the basis for perceiving the environment and enables us to learn, feel and enjoy life. We aim to dissect the neural circuits underpinning the cross-modal interactions between different sensory processing under physiological and pathological conditions.

    2. Neural circuits underlying sensory and emotional interaction

    Somatosensory (pain), auditory (music), olfactory (odor) and visual (light) stimuli can affect our emotions. Therefore, we aim to unveil the neural circuits of how distinct

    sensory stimuli affect emotions (pleasure or aversion), with the hope to develop new adjuvant therapy for treating emotional disorders.

    3. Mechanisms for interactions between the central neural system and the peripheral endocrine system under pathological states

    The central neural system dictates the peripheral immune and endocrine systems. We are committed to investigate mutual interactions between the peripheral immune and endocrine systems and the central nervous system under pathological states such as depression and chronic pain.